Yearbook Groupie – Yearbook resources and guides

Inspiration for Your Next Yearbook

Where do you find your Inspiration?

Now that your head is clearing from all the school year schedules, where do you find your inspiration? Do you think about little pieces of yearbook ideas or big ideas?

Sometimes I get an idea in my head for a theme or a style and I just can’t shake it until I do a little research. Other times, I see something that begins a thread of ideas and thoughts about how I want the next yearbook to look. Other times I just search random things on the internet or while working on another project I see a stock photo or image that inspires me.

Do you use Pinterest to gather ideas? 

Do you or your class/club cut out ideas or styles and put them on an inspiration board on the wall?

Do you walk through the craft or paper stores and snap a pic of something you like or buy scrapbook paper to reference?

Do you have a yearbook from your collection or from another school that you liked?

I never know where my next idea will come from or when! Look around, in magazines, tv ads, the internet, search styles and trends, social media styles, etc.

Tell me where you find your inspiration for the next yearbook and theme.

2 thoughts on “Inspiration for Your Next Yearbook”

  1. I have in the past gone through the yearbook company’s themes and backgrounds just to see what they have, and what I can find. Sometimes I can make up a theme from a cool background I found. The past couple of years I have searched Pinterest as well as other yearbook companies online to see new ideas of themes. I always am interested in how other yearbooks are set up and their themes!

    1. Hi Stacey!
      I totally relate to that! I often find myself browsing through yearbook company themes and backgrounds just for inspiration. It’s incredible how a single background can spark an entire theme idea. There’s so much variety and creativity out there, and seeing how others push the boundaries with their designs is exciting!

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