Are you a yearbook advisor looking for ways to enhance your students’ learning experience? Consider taking them on a field trip to a printing company to witness the book printing process firsthand.
Picture this – you take your students on an exhilarating adventure to a state-of-the-art printing company! This once-in-a-lifetime experience will provide them with an immersive and engaging insight into the world of yearbook creation. They will learn about the intricate printing process, from the initial design to the final product. From the moment they step through the doors, they will be in awe of the sights and sounds of the printing presses, and they will have the opportunity to witness the experts in action.

Not only will your students learn about the printing process, but they will also discover new ways to make their yearbooks stand out. Ask the staff questions about different books they have seen. This excursion can offer your students a comprehensive understanding of the yearbook creation process and bring the book to life.
To organize a successful field trip, here are helpful steps you can take. Of course, contact your principal about the school’s process and policies for field trips as each school/district may have its own rules to follow.
- Contact a printing company: It is best to see your book printing but that might be hard if you are not in the same area as your printing company. So, research printing companies in your area and contact them to see if they offer tours. Explain to them that you are a yearbook advisor and would like to take your students on a field trip to see the process of printing a book.
- Schedule the trip: Once you have confirmed a printing company that is willing to host a tour, schedule the trip with them and make sure to get all the necessary details such as date, time, and duration of the tour.
- Send permission slips: Create and send permission slips to parents to ensure that they are aware of the trip and give their consent for their child to participate.
- Organize transportation: Arrange for transportation to and from the printing company. This can be done by renting a bus or arranging for parents to provide transportation.
- Prepare your students: Introduce them to what to expect during the trip and what they should look for in the company. This can be done by showing them videos or pictures of the printing process and discussing with them what they think they will see during the trip.