Yearbook Groupie – Yearbook resources and guides

Creative Yearbook Funding Ideas

Keep it Simple

Some of the most straightforward ideas for fundraising include penny drives, booster text, and advertising pages for local and corporate businesses. Here are some stories of schools that created fundraisers that work.

Funding a yearbook can be an excellent opportunity for schools to unite the entire student body. One successful yearbook funding idea came in the form of pennies. A school experienced tremendous success when it launched its Penny Drive to fund its school yearbook project. Students from each class were asked to bring in spare change consisting of pennies only to put towards the yearbook. The class that collected the most money in pennies would win an extra page in the yearbook filled with their photos and capturing even more of their memorable year. Over $1,500 was raised entirely from pennies in 3-4 weeks, which paid for the school’s yearbook.

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Bigger, Better Boosters!

Yearbook “Boosters” are another common form of raising money for Yearbooks. Boosters consist of 3-5 lines of personal text messages which family members can dedicate to students in the school. The “text messages,” so to speak, are sold by students to their friends and family. An average of 30-50 Boosters can fit on a page and typically cost anywhere from $3-$5.

Parents can sponsor commemorative messages for as little as $3.00 in the school’s yearbook. It’s a price that works for most families regardless of their budgets. Because of this, Booster Text is considered a quick and easy sell to help raise funds for yearbook projects.

Yet another form of fundraising dollars comes from local businesses in the community that wish to show their support by purchasing an advertisement in the school yearbook. Many local and even corporate businesses are dedicated to being involved and connecting with their community, often setting aside budgets for community donations. Many corporate businesses set aside these budget amounts each year for donations, so schools can take advantage by simply finding them and asking to be sponsored.

Bake Up Success

Other schools have succeeded through bake sales, book sales, lemonade stands, and more. Schools have teamed up with local ice cream shops or restaurants for a night. Some of the accumulated funds can go to the school fundraising. Yearbooks can also be sold at a profit, serving as their fundraiser for other education programs.

Regardless of the fundraising program put in place by schools for their yearbook, Entourage Yearbooks has dedicated services to help market those ideas with customized marketing materials to enhance efforts further. Posters, order forms, fliers, and brochures can all be customized with school colors, logos, and mascots. We know it’s been a tough year for schools, especially in this economy, but we’ve seen a few small fundraising ideas go a long way to help make school yearbooks fun and more affordable.

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