About Us
Yearbook Groupie is designed for teachers, students, and yearbook advisors who need a community of helpers. As a growing community of yearbook makers, we understand the difficulty of creating a yearbook project. Whether you are a class of students or a single teacher taking on the whole project, we hope our blog and forms can help.
"A growing community of yearbook makers"
A Message from our Lead Writer

Ever find yourself signed up for something accidentally on purpose? Somehow I do a lot. I never walk into a meeting saying, “I’m going to volunteer to lead a project!” but I always find myself with a new project. About 12 years ago, I agreed to be in charge of a coupon book sale that someone else said they’d already claimed. The PTO president said, well, we need someone to do the yearbook and the cookie dough sale. This is how I found myself, with five kids under 9, including twins who were not yet one, the new yearbook advisor for an elementary school, and the cookie dough sale chairperson.
Twelve years later, I am still doing the yearbook for that school, but not the cookie dough sale. When I worked on my first yearbook, my oldest was a 3rd grader, she’s now in her third year of college, and my youngest, who was almost one, is now in 6th grade. I’ve done yearbooks in 3 other buildings in my district, worked with four different yearbook companies, attempted to lead a yearbook club for 6th graders and one for 7/8th graders and three times. I’ve created yearbooks at schools when I didn’t even have a kid in the building, including this year. At one time, I was known as the yearbook lady by students, teachers, and parents. I’ve never been paid to do a yearbook. I go to yearbook conferences (yes, I’ve been attending a High School yearbook conference for four years, did I mention I’m not a High School yearbook advisor)?
Simply put, I love making yearbooks.
I love the creative process and the theme as it unfolds as I work my way through the year and the book. I love looking at yearbooks and searching for trends in design and yearbooks. I love learning how yearbook advisors at different age levels create a theme, teach the skills, and inspire their students. I love how much the kids love my books! I love the memories it keeps and the stories it tells.
I guess you could say I’m a yearbook groupie.